Key Takeaways:

  • Personalized, customized, private training at the right level for the organization
  • Being very honest and sincere about what we find, that’s what’s makes us different too
  • The ability for us to come in and LISTEN, and PAY ATTENTION, LEARN about what is going on
  • 1) John is a DASA Ambassador for the United States… 2) Several Intelligence Catalyst Team members are DASA certified Coaches plus TTTs (Train The Trainers)… 3) At this time, Ken and John are the only two (2) certified by DASA in the United States to teach and TTT the DASA DevOps Leader Credential and assess student transformation plans for their certification
  • We help write the standards, teach the standards, and are hands-on consulting with the standards to ensure the standards, information, and methods are successful in GSD (Getting Stuff Done)
  • I do not know of any organization that is doing what we do to the quality, precision, and depth that we are
  • We can do the full life cycle of learning, experiential learning, embedded learning with you… this is unique
  • We began to form a structure around that, we started to create this new disruptive idea built from experiences in the real world
  • We all had that “self-realization moment” individually and as a group… we see collateral damage; we see good people, good organizations being hurt… we want to jump in and help




Continuing the conversation from the founding partners themselves on “what” and “why” Intelligence Catalyst is different from other consulting, training, coaching, mentoring, and supporting organizations in helping individuals and their organizations transform.

Whether you and your organization are taking on an Agile, DevOps or DevSecOps Adoption or Digital Transformation, Intelligence Catalyst provides a unique, direct, pragmatic approach to these very complex, highly visible, disruptive, and at times politically charged cataclysmic series of change events. We work with you, providing what you and your team mates need as we progression through the series or cycles of change evolutions so that you and your organization can succeed.

To learn more, please visit our website at

Looking forward to supporting you on your transformation!