What We Do

The Catalyst Group is a leading provider of transformational business consulting and experiential learning services. The Catalyst Group is your guide or sherpa; focused on helping you with your leadership & transformation challenges via a personalized experiential learning journey for your real-world situation.


Our Approach

Our consultative training is a unique and effective approach to team development that helps organizations grow and improve their skills. Our experienced guides work with you across myriad frameworks and techniques. From Innovation, Transformation, and DevOps, to Program Management, Leadership, Communication, and Systems Design—we provide real world lessons in real time to help you and your team learn and grow.


Our Mission

Our mission is to help organizations achieve their goals faster by delivering lasting change through our unique embedded coaching and teaching approach. We help you tap into your own intrinsic value and connect to the larger ecosystem. Our guidance won’t just help you unlock your potential, but will empower you! Our team of experts will help you slipstream into the flow of the environment around you—the conversations, Focused Points of Learning (FoPLs), collaborations, customer needs, challenges, risks, positive events, moments of inspiration—resulting in how to best flow value to your customer.


Our Journey

The guides of The Catalyst Group met one another primarily through providing training, advice, and counsel to various organizations. From those early conversations, there was a common perspective that:

  1. Both personal and organizational transformations are inevitable. Everyone and every organization is going to have to transform due to technology driving disruption.
  2. Traditional training, or training as we have known it, does not provide what is needed within the time it is needed, and is not what our customers wanted or desired.

We believed there had to be a better way. Through collaboration with key team members, we have expanded upon our initial ideas around what we created called “Consultative Training”, the combining of training and consulting together as one.

Today, we engage our customers with “Experiential Learning” where we work with you in real time, in your real world environment using your real world situation as the place of learning, focused on what you need at that point in time. The product of your success is what we call “Collective Intelligence.” Collective Intelligence is the result of our helping you and your organization amplify innovation while enabling stabilization and growth based on how you and your organization flow value to your customer.

With over a decade of experience working together with some of the world’s leading individuals, businesses, and organizations, we know what it takes to help you lead your team through successful transformations. Contact us today to learn more about how our Guides can help you flow value to your customer.

What to Expect

Our approach is simple. You contact us during your leadership or transformation time of need. We provide on demand, real time help focused on what you need when you need it. Unlike traditional training or consulting organizations, we are with you only when you need us. We understand the leadership or transformation journey is YOURS, not ours, and our job is to come and go as YOU need us along YOUR journey, while providing a safety net in case something unexpected or unforeseen occurs.

Consultative Training

Is disruptively different from both corporate consulting, coaching, and traditional learning/training, blending all modalities together as an embedded trainer for an immersive experience.

Experiential Learning

Is where we work with you in your real-world environment using your real-world situation as the place of learning, let the training come to you.

Collective Intelligence

Is the byproduct or result of our helping organizations amplify innovation while enabling stabilization and growth.

Get Started

Our approach is disruptively different from traditional learning/training methods, and has helped countless clients reach new heights. We believe in the power of collaboration, and our team of experienced coaches is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about how our Guides can help you flow value to your customers.

Contact Us

(919) 946-8424
[email protected]

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat-Sun: Available for active clients only